Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Snitch and the CockRoach

Okay, I don't know how we got on this conversation, but the snitch added a window unit (small air conditioner) to his apartment. He comes out of the kitchen and there on the wall is a huge cockroach. So I joked that he probably needed five dollars to get some lunch, so he went with that for a bit; but then he started to tell me how he tried to kill the roach.

Now I hate killing certain bugs, roaches being one because you have to feel the crunch and you go through a range of physical emotions afterwards. The snitch didn't say why he made this choice, but for me it seemed worse. To rid his home of the vile beast he chose to to fill up a cup with bleach and throw it on the roach.

Bleach is funky and in a small spaces it is loud, I don't understand. When he wakes up the next day the roach had made his way to the kitchen sink; instead of washing it down the sink since it was already weak and dying, he fills up another cup and throws it on the roach.

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