Friday, April 9, 2010

It's Official

So it is the end of the night and I decide make one more pick up before I go in. First I got lost and couldn't find the place (that was the sign), another cab driver guided me to the location. The guys starts out immediately when coming to get in the car "What you don't pick up black man.." So of course respond I am about to leave your black ass if you don't calm the fuck down. So he realizes I am a black woman and pipes down. So he hands me $35.00 dollars and asked to go all the way to the Ebony Inn to get alcohol, now we are in Lanham, you know how many liquor stores we pass before we get the Ebony Inn (just say you want to go to the strip club, I don't care). Anyway he can't figure out which way he wants me to go.

So he decides to take me through DC but of course Eastern Avenue is doing some construction so we have this long round about way through the reroute. So he is talkin weird like speaking in Cliches, "telling that time is the only valuable commodity", "You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither!" there is not clear conversation, just rambling and laughing at himself; and outbursting saying stuff like "Just keeping you on your toes" So we get to the strip club the other guys tell him there is nothing in there tonight worth going in for so he finds a friend and we add another to the ride. I drop the friend off and he asks me to wait he will be back in five minutes. So I wait, he comes back and says okay lets go back.

So I take him back to his house and notices that I have a hat on so he asks "Do you have hair under that hat?" I respond "yes". He asked could he see it. I say hell no and he says I will give you a tip if let me see it. So I take the hat off (don't judge me!) and shake my hair out a bit (like I am sexy LOL ;)) . So he says yea....yea in a soft low voice and gives me an extra 15 dollars, the ride was only $25.00 dollars. I made $50.00 So it is official I am whoring myself LOL, by the end of the night I understood the whole scene in the picture below, see the hatred in his eyes, that is me without the cocaine!

1 comment:

  1. Girl you got my chest hurtin! You are such a whore. LOLOLOLOLOL
