Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Typical Friday Night

There was something in the air tonight, as I road my passenger into the city for work. He is a smoker, and I was feeling pretty good this night, so I gave him a full-bodied Macanudo cigar...I keep those in the car for some of my best customers. We talked about the events in the city and some of the fine art and museums.......Sorry I needed to have a moment where it seemed that cabbin was a little seductive, not the true hell it is. Here is what really happened.

The night was humid and hot, the smell ass was in the air, and my deodorant stopped working an hour ago and I was stuck in traffic trying to take my passenger to work.

He starts to tell me all he does for this woman who is pressing him to marry him after she had his baby, but she isn't workin because the baby is small, she has other children so he is taking care of them all (including her two adult brothers that are in the house in their late 30's early 40's). He goes into work and deals with the hell of working all day, then comes home listens to his girlfriend tell him how she doesn't get enough attention and he is never home, he listens to the kids and their issues, and he goes to school, on top of this he does not sex 3 week stretches at a time?

So I ask "So let me get this straight, you work all day long while she is sitting around, you go to school, you listen to her bitch and complain and all her kids bullshit, and then you don't get any pussy or get your dick sucked for 3 weeks at a time, and she doesn't understand why you ain't running down the isle?" After I recapped what he told me, I look in the rear view mirror and he had this look of hatred in his eyes and he gently nodded, he put his head down slightly in sadness. At that moment I became silent cause I thought, he is going to open the door and jump to his death or kill himself, I actually gave him some good advice.

So I drop him and it begins to rain really hard, hard enough where I should have pulled over, but of course I didn't because calls were coming out on the radio. I made a few more drop offs, then I got a pick up from PG hospital, two woman and a young boy. While were in route to take them home it had stopped raining and I had rolled down my windows, a police officer pulls up beside me and says "what??! you tryin to race me" of course I could not let this go, I say "don't make me embarrass you out here." I came to my senses when the light turned green, but I was going slow so I thought. Well the light goes off and he pulls me over, I was doing 20 miles over, but he just wanted to socialize. He wanted everyone's information, and he was just talkin and talkin he was about to get off so I guess he needed someone to play with. So he questioned all of us about our ages, he never once asked for my drivers license or my hack license. So when we started to question him cause he had already given his birth date but not the year, the girl in the back said "1957", which I was thinking too until I saw the look of disbelief that she would think something like that.

But he looked old. He had blond hair (and he was a white guy by the way so you won't think he was black with dyed hair) but it was dried out like an old man didn't have any sheen or luster to it, he had cracks in his face and dark plaque between his teeth, so when he said 1974, I was astonished; 36!! life had not been kind to him. He told us to have a nice night after I had missed probably 50 dollars while he ran his mouth for 20 minutes and we were on our way.

P.S. When I asked him his name he smiled with a kittenish grin with the dark plaque between every tooth and said Officer Friendly, like he was sexy! Pissed me off.

1 comment:

  1. suicidal and sexless + black plaque and a black jack = priceless story.

    Rotfl @ "Officer friendly"
