When I first started driving the other drivers (the ones at the station) seemed not to like me, I am not sure why but those who know me have to love me hehe (they are disgusted right now if they are reading this). They are now started talking to me a little too much.
It was kind of slow for a Friday, I was low on change and didn't feel like stopping at the store, so just decided to ask one of the other drivers for some change. So I asked him "do yo have change for a 10.00", he said "let me see the money", I said "let me see the change", so he laughed and said "I haven't seen you out here before", I said "I haven't seen you either", so the train pulled in he gave me the change and we parted ways.
I dropped and pulled back around to the station and he was in front of me waiting too, so he jumps out and comes back to my car and starts to talk, he was all over the place at first asking me questions and telling me about his life and such, so I ask him how is he doing these days since the cab business is a little slow. He says "it is not slow for me I work in DC and he always makes at least $200.00 a day." then he adds "and if it does get slow, I know plenty of girls" so I asked "what does that mean, you just hang out with them or" he stops me abruptly and says "no, I mean whores, I give my car for $75.00, I said "what" "How long do they have the cab for that price?" He said "they only want it for 5-7 minutes, get in and get out, cheaper than a hotel and quicker". So of course I ask "well where do you go", he said I don't go anywhere I stay in the the front seat (nasty mofo), the police will be watching me not what goes on in the back of the cab," then he presses his face to the back of my cab and says it is really clean back there (I can't... even though we didn't touch I had to use my hand sanitizer man...damn felt all dirty).
He started asking me did I have any single friends or a sister, I said no, I have a brother though, so we laughed a bit, and said he doesn't understand the whole gay situation, I told him if I was man I would be gay because I can't take women they are too dramatic,so he tells me that he use to own a business here but he sold it and left the country for a little while and then came back.
But some of the girls that use to work for him at the club were bisexual, and he was curious about the gay thing, so he paid them to have sex in front of him. I told him "you could have rented porn if you were curious, but you wanted the first hand experience," so of course I asked "so what did they do" (yes if you gonna tell it tell it all) he said well I don't know what you call it, but one was at the bottom and the other was at the top" I said "we call that 69", he was like I didn't even get aroused or anything. (I didn't bother to tell him he got jipped, if you even have ever seen soft porn you get more than that).
so he says "I paid them later to have a menage trois, but I could only be with one of the women, I couldn't even get to the other one (he was so serious and confused), so I asked "what happened?" He "I was worried that they would beat and rob me" LOLOLOL.
You know I told this whole story for that last line!!Oh by the way they didn't beat or rob him, of course I asked did he try it again he said "no" (punk ass).